Top Content Writing Tools, Creative Digital Marketing Company, Auxost, DV
Are you fed up with creating original content that will astound and captivate your readers? Do you find it difficult to manage content production for your blog or website? Does it take spending hours and days reading, planning, and writing? This may be a hassle, especially if you write regularly. But do not worry. There is a solution to solve these problems. Tools that help you in content writing more quickly and more effectively can be useful. Choosing the appropriate app is the key to elevating your writing process. However, doing that can be an ungrateful task.
Therefore, we’ve compiled some of the top content writing apps for you so that you can write quickly and easily. Let’s first discuss about content writing applications and the kind of assistance you can obtain from them.
Software applications for creating, editing, and managing content are known as content writing apps. They provide features including text editing, publishing integration, SEO optimization, collaboration tools, and plagiarism checkers. These apps improve productivity by streamlining the writing process.
2. Tools for Editing and Proofreading Content
3. Tools for Freewriting and Collaborative Writing
4. Tools for Brainstorming and Organizing Your Thoughts
Content writing tools can help you:
It may be used to write blog posts, emails, articles, novels, and more. It can also be used to generate product descriptions. Online, there are tons of tools available for content writing.
It can be challenging to select the finest content writing software for you because each app has a wide range of features and options. But do not fret. Following are the top writing apps that can help you decide which one is perfect for your writing requirements.
We have divided the tools into 4 categories –
Once you’ve selected a topic, it’s time to do your research and gather your notes. These tools can be useful if you need to transcribe an interview, access paywalled research articles, or find out what else has been posted online.
If a part of your writing process involves transcribing audio or video interviews or content, then by combining your audio controls and word processor on a single screen, oTranscribe eliminates some of the time-consuming components of the process. Just upload your audio or video file, press the play button, and start typing your transcription onto the blank page.
This eliminates all the back and forth between typing in one app and playing audio in another. Additionally, keyboard controls make it simple to play and pause audio by clicking the Esc key. Other options allow you to change the audio playback speed or jump forward or back a few seconds.
If you intend to publish your transcript, you can add simple formatting like bold and italics. Also, you can add a timestamp by pressing Control + J on a Windows computer or Command + J on a Mac. When you’re done, you can log into Google to save your transcription directly to your Google Drive. Or else download it in Markdown, plain text, or oTranscribe format.
oTranscribe Pricing: Free
Imagine you searched Google and came up with a research paper or article that appears to include all the information you require for citation. Unfortunately, you are unable to read it because the website you were directed to requires a payment for you to view the entire text.
Use Unpaywall’s Chrome and Firefox extensions to check if there is a free copy of the article available anywhere online rather than paying money to read a publication that may or may not include the information you need. A green unlocked icon appears when you land on a result for a paywalled paper or article that is free elsewhere; click it to open the paper for free.
Unpaywall collects data from places like university and government databases, open-access journal repositories, and other sources. This ensures you never violate copyright when you access a paywalled publication for free.
However, Unpaywall doesn’t always work on everything—for instance, it won’t let you bypass the paywall on your preferred news website—but if you occasionally need to refer to paywalled academic articles, it’s definitely worth downloading to save time and money.
Unpaywall Pricing: Free
Taking screenshots of the research you want to include and pasting them in a Google Doc, scribbling down handwritten notes in a notebook, or creating a custom list of bookmarks are some of the ways to compile notes for your content. However, all of these traditional methods are time-consuming and hard to search. Evernote however provides you a simpler and better option.
You may quickly and easily download entire online articles using Evernote’s web clipper. Once the articles are added to Evernote, you may organize your collected research into multiple notebooks, view the full text of articles you’ve saved, perform a bulk search of all of your collected research, and share your collected research with others. Additionally, Evernote’s Zapier connectors allow you to automate note-taking.
Evernote Pricing: Free for uploads of up to 60 MB per month, notes with a maximum size of 25 MB, and Evernote apps on up to two devices. From $7.99 per month for the mobile app scanner, searchable PDFs, larger upload and note-size restrictions, and Evernote apps on an unlimited number of devices.
It can be difficult to edit your own writing. Knowing exactly what a word should be makes it difficult to see errors, and it’s hard to know what someone else may not understand when you understand it perfectly. These tools can assist you in finding typos, grammatical mistakes, jargon, and other mistakes if you don’t have an editor or if you want to submit your editor a near-perfect draft.
You’ve written the perfect Twitter post, and now you need to sit back and wait until it goes viral. It does, and you’re excited until you realize that you typed “your” instead of “you’re,” you can’t edit it after publishing, and your mistake is all anyone in your comments can talk about.
Imagine you’ve created the ideal Twitter post, so you just need to sit back and watch it gain attention. It happens, the tweet gets viral and you’re thrilled until you realize that you accidentally put “your” instead of “you’re,”. You can’t change it once it’s been published, and now everyone in your comments is talking about your mistake.
You may prevent making these embarrassing typos by using Grammarly. Install one of its browser extensions to spell- and grammar-check all of your content, and then download the relevant desktop application to cross check writing you do offline. Misspellings, incorrect singular/plural noun usage, and homophone errors are all caught by it.
The built-in spell-checker in Google Docs may easily be replaced with Grammarly’s browser extensions, and it’s generally the better choice. Additionally, unlike Google Docs, it recognizes when you use a product name that isn’t strictly a word but is still acceptable, such as WorkFlowy, and it doesn’t flag that as a mistake.
Grammarly Pricing: Basic spell- and grammar-checkers are free; Grammarly Premium, which includes more sophisticated grammar-checking tools, suggestions for expanding your vocabulary, and a plagiarism checker, starts at $11.66/month.
Like any other thesaurus you’ve used, OneLook’s Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus works as follows: When you enter a word, dozens of synonyms are suggested for you to think about as alternatives. A thesaurus is a necessary component of any writer’s toolkit, but OneLook also provides several unique useful possibilities.
OneLook, a versatile language tool, allows users to input not only single words but also phrases or even entire sentences. This feature proves valuable when searching for a specific word that might temporarily evade memory, for example, a term denoting “hard to remember.” By entering this phrase into OneLook, the platform produces a variety of suitable alternatives, such as “elusive,” “hazy,” and “mnemonic.” Moreover, users can refine their search by filtering results according to the desired part of speech, whether nouns, adjectives, adverbs, or verbs. This functionality enables a more efficient and tailored exploration of language, facilitating effective communication and expression.
Reverse Dictionary Pricing: Free
Ernest Hemingway was praised for his conservative use of language and his capacity to convey a lot of information in a few brief sentences. You may do the same with the Hemingway Editor’s assistance. It makes this tool great for tidying up all the ideas you accidentally spilled onto the page.
When you paste your text into Hemingway, it flags problematic words and phrases across several categories. This includes the usage of adverbs, the passive voice, unnecessarily complicated words and phrases, and overly complex sentences. Find the highlighted passages in your material by scrolling through them and making the appropriate edits to remove adverbs, use active verbs, and simplify long and complex phrases.
Hemingway provides your writing a grade that reflects the reading difficulty of its subject matter. Your work will be more accessible to a wider audience the lower the grade.
Hemingway helps you become a better writer over time because you learn to recognize and correct your mistakes. You won’t make as many of them over time, and you might find that you don’t even require the tool at that point.
Hemingway Editor Pricing: Free for editing in the Hemingway web app; $19.99 for the Mac or Windows desktop app.
Looking for free word processors, distraction-free content writing tools, and collaborative platforms that ensure you preserve your original content while working with others.
You can write, edit, and archive your work using Google Docs if you have a free Google account. Every word you type is automatically saved to Google Drive, guaranteeing that you never lose your draft, and it automatically backs up everything you write to the cloud. Additionally, you may use Google Docs’ Zapier integrations to automate the creation of your documents.
And while this makes Google Drive a fantastic tool for any kind of writing, its collaborative features are where it really shines. You can share your document with others and grant them access to view, modify, or comment on it with just a few clicks. The nicest part is that everyone you share the file with can edit it simultaneously without overwriting changes made by others.
Similar to Word’s Track Changes tool, Google Docs’ Suggesting mode enables collaborators to suggest edits that anybody can accept or reject. If you choose to accept it, Docs automatically incorporates the suggestion so you don’t have to type it in yourself. Every document you produce in Docs also has a version history. This makes it simple to view prior versions and identify who made specific changes.
Google Docs Pricing: Free
Even though Google Docs offers fantastic collaborative editing features, it lacks Draft’s editing insurance. According to Draft’s take on editing, a collaborator’s edits shouldn’t immediately modify the original document. Instead, each round of editing results in the creation of a new version.
Collaborators can submit edits to a shared document, but the document owner retains the authority to accept or reject each suggestion individually. With each acceptance or rejection, the system automatically generates a new version of the document. This ensures easy access to the original version at all times. The document owner gains the ability to switch between these versions, similar to Google Docs’ Suggesting feature, but without compromising the accessibility of the original document.
When you’re done creating a draft, you may send it to yourself as a PDF, Google Doc, or Word file, share it with others via a link and download the material as Markdown, plain text, HTML, or all of the above.
Draft Pricing: Free
In the writing group, there is a proverb that goes, “Write drunk, edit sober.” The point? When your thoughts are uncluttered and free from outside distractions, some of the best writing happens.
keeping this in mind, BlindWrite compels you to write blind and edit… not blind. The app’s user interface is a straightforward white-on-black text editor that asks you what to write about and how long you want to spend writing. From there, you can type away, but BlindWrite blurs out your text until the timer hits zero.
This approach encourages you to just begin writing. Without being able to see what you’re typing, you can express all of your ideas without worrying about things like word choice and sentence construction, which helps you avoid the perfectionist inclinations that cause writer’s block.
BlindWrite Pricing: Free
Finding a topic to write about can sometimes be the most difficult element of the writing process. Sometimes you have a clear notion of what you want to write about, but you can’t get your thoughts organized enough to start writing. These tools will assist you in brainstorming and organizing your ideas so you can get them out of your head and onto the screen if you’re having trouble with either problem.
Mind mapping is useful if you have a rough notion for your essay but need to develop your ideas. Outlining is helpful if you have a lot of ideas but need to organize them. However, what if you have to write anything but are at a loss for what to write about?
HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator is useful in this situation. The title generator accepts up to five nouns and generates titles for five blog posts (or 250 if you plan to provide contact information). Although the suggested names are pretty formulaic, it does offer unique angles you can take with your piece.
You can use those recommendations as a starting point or read them over to try and come up with alternative ideas for subjects and perspectives you’re interested in writing about.
HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator Pricing: Free
For all kinds of writing tasks, mind mapping is a fantastic brainstorming technique. Mind mapping can assist you in organizing your thoughts for a thesis or term paper. It facilitates creating a framework for a lengthy blog post or e-book or coming up with concepts for a new book or book series by triggering associations.
Additionally, MindMeister provides greater flexibility than simply drawing a thought map on paper or a whiteboard. With MindMeister, authors now have a quick and easy way to write down, arrange, and share their thoughts.
No matter how big your mind map develops, MindMeister will extend to provide you the space you require. Capture all of your ideas in a single file, organize and reorganize your thoughts by dragging and dropping them, and connect concepts on your mind map regardless of how far apart they are. You can also attach relevant files and photographs to use as references later with a premium plan.
MindMeister Pricing: Free for up to three mind maps. You have to pay $4.99/month for the Personal plan that includes unlimited mind maps and file attachments.
A well-structured outline is the foundation of well-structured writing. WorkFlowy makes it simple to create an outline by allowing you to use nested lists and bullet points to quickly organize an overview of any writing project.
Begin by outlining the document using broad strokes, including section names, big ideas, and themes. Organize related details and research under each corresponding bullet point. WorkFlowy’s hashtag-based tagging and search features can help manage the lists and keep the bullet points organized. Feel free to explore various subtopics without concerns about overwhelming the structure.
By clicking on the corresponding bullet point, you can zoom in on any list. Plus, if you hover over a bullet point, you’ll see options to complete, add a note to, share, export, duplicate, or delete that item. Use the Complete option to tick off sections of your outline as you finish writing them. Or else drag and drop bulleted lists to organize your outline into logical sections.
WorkFlowy Pricing: Up to 250 list items can be added for free each month. Starting at $4.99 per month, WorkFlowy Pro plan offers limitless lists, items, and personalization choices.
Content writing tools play a crucial role in simplifying the writing process, enhancing creativity, and boosting productivity for writers and content creators. Whether it’s transcribing interviews, organizing research, editing for grammar and style, or brainstorming ideas, the right tools can make a significant difference in the quality and efficiency of content production. By utilizing these top content writing tools, writers can unlock their full potential. By doing this, they can produce captivating, well-structured content that engages and captivates readers. So, embrace these tools and elevate your writing experience to new heights!
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