Auxost is undoubtedly your ultimate destination for exceptional marketing services including digital marketing that will take your business to new heights! As a digital marketing company, we provide a wide variety of digital marketing services to support the expansion and success of businesses online. To deliver efficient and personalized solutions that are tailored to each client’s particular needs, our team of professionals stays current on the most recent trends and technology.

Following are some of the digital marketing services we offer:

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is the practice of promoting your company, goods, or services by paid advertisements on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. SEM is a broad term that covers both SEO and Pay Per Click advertising under it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) comes first. It’s like being a detective, trying to figure out what the search engines want and optimizing your website accordingly. It’s all about winning their favor and proving to them that your website is one worth rating! The practice of optimizing your website for search engines to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase organic traffic to your site is known as search engine optimization (SEO). In order to help you rank higher in search results, our team of digital marketing specialists conducts in-depth research and analysis to determine the most pertinent keywords and phrases for your business. From there, a tailored strategy is developed and put into practice.

Among our SEO services are:

  • Keyword research and analysis
  • On-page optimization, such as using headers, meta tags, and content optimization
  • Off-page optimization, including link building and social media marketing services.
  • Local SEO (such as listing in local directories and Google My Business optimization)
  • SEO audits and reporting

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Then there’s pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Don’t worry; you don’t have to give up your entire life savings because you pay for each click on your advertisement. To make your ad stand out like a peacock in a crowded room, just bid on the appropriate keywords. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising is a digital marketing strategy that entails placing advertisements on websites, social media platforms, and search engines and paying for each click that result from those advertisements. To increase traffic, lead generations, and conversions, our PPC specialists design and manage Pay Per Click campaigns that target relevant demographics and keywords.

Among our PPC services are:

  • Keyword research and analysis
  • Copywriting and designing ads
  • Management and setup of campaigns
  • A/B testing and optimization
  • Reporting as well as tracking of conversions

Marketing Through Social Media

Social media marketing is like throwing a party which requires inviting all of your friends and ensuring that everyone has a wonderful time. Building relationships as well as interacting with your audience is the key. Just be careful not to share excessively like that one person who always talks too much at parties. Social media marketing is the practice of using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your brand, interact with customers, and increase website traffic. Our social media specialists create and carry out social media plans that are suited to your company’s objectives and target market.

Our social media marketing services include following:

  • Development of a social media strategy
  • Content creation and curation
  • Social media advertising
  • Engagement and management of the community
  • Social media reporting and analytics

Content Marketing

The foundation of digital marketing services is content marketing. It’s like planting a garden – you need to nurture it, water it, and watch it grow. But with the right strategy and a little bit of creativity, you’ll have a bloomin’ beautiful garden in no time!  Content marketing is about creating and distributing high-quality content that informs, amuses, and engages your audience in order to increase traffic and establish brand authority. In order to create content that is relevant to your target audience’s requirements and interests; our team of content marketers first develop a content strategy that is in line with your company’s objectives.

We offer the following content marketing services:

  • Development of content strategies
  • The creation of content (such as blog entries, articles, infographics, and videos).
  • Distribution and marketing of content
  • Content analytics and reporting

Email Marketing

Email Marketing involves sending personalized and relevant content to your subscribers via email helps you nurture leads and increase conversions. Our email marketing specialists create and carry out email campaigns that benefit your subscribers and motivate them to act.

Our email marketing services include the following:

  • Development of an email campaign strategy plan
  • Segmenting and managing email lists
  • Email design and copywriting
  • Email analytics and reporting
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • Analytics as well as reporting for emails

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of analyzing your website and landing pages to identify and address barriers to conversions, using data-driven strategies. This will undoubtedly optimize your site for maximum results. In order to find areas for development, our CRO professionals thoroughly examine user behavior and experience on your website. They then apply solutions that are specifically suited to your company’s objectives and target market.

Among our CRO services are:

  • Analyzing User behavior
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • Optimizing and designing landing pages
  • Conversion funnel optimization and analysis
  • CRO reporting and analytics

Analytics and Reporting

Any digital marketing strategy must include analytics and reporting. Our team of analytics specialists provides frequent reporting and analysis to evaluate the performance of your digital marketing campaigns. Using this information, you can gradually enhance your tactics by making adjustments based on the data.

We offer the following analytics and reporting services:

  • Performance monitoring and evaluation
  • Monitoring and reporting of goals
  • Data visualization and reporting
  • Analyzing competitors

ROI analysis

At Auxost, we prioritize each client’s particular objectives and goals through a collaborative approach. We collaborate extensively with our clients to fully comprehend their businesses, target markets, and marketing objectives before developing unique digital marketing strategies that produce results. We have the knowledge and experience to help you compete in the cutthroat internet environment, whether your goal is to raise brand awareness, get more leads, or improve sales.

At Auxost, we offer the following ROI services:

  • Personalized marketing approach based on the objectives and needs of the client.
  • A thorough analysis of marketing campaigns’ ROI.
  • Implementing conversion tracking systems.
  • Making use of cutting-edge analytics tools.
  • Creation of thorough reports on key performance metrics.
  • Continuous marketing strategy optimization.
  • Open communication at all stages of the procedure.

Campaign management

Campaign management is surely an essential component of digital marketing. It entails organizing, carrying out, and keeping track of marketing campaigns across a variety of platforms. It includes social media, email, and search engines. Consider managing a campaign as conducting an orchestra; you must ensure that all the instruments are performing in unison and that the music is flowing. Campaign management can assist companies in hitting all the right notes and achieving their marketing objectives with the correct plan and tools.

We offer the following Campaign management services:

  • Strategic planning based on target market and business goals.
  • End-to-end campaign execution across a variety of platforms and media.
  • Appropriate budgeting for optimum campaign performance.
  • Development of compelling and tailored marketing assets.
  • Exact segmentation and targeting to reach the target audience.
  • Close campaign performance monitoring and regular reporting.
  • Continuous optimization and modifications based on performance insights.
  • A/B testing to identify the most effective campaign variations.
  • The creation, targeting, as well as optimization of advertising campaigns.
  • Also, to encourage desired actions, we concentrate on conversion optimization.

Video production

The process of making videos for a variety of objectives, including business, advertising, education, entertainment, and more, is known as video production. In order to assist businesses in producing high-quality films that entertain and engage their target audience while simultaneously promoting their brand and goods/services, our digital marketing firm offers expert video production services.

We offer a wide range of video production services, including:

  • We produce quick, animated movies that succinctly and entertainingly describe complicated ideas or products.
  • We make videos to highlight the features and advantages of your products as well as to show how they work in real life settings.
  • Using storytelling, humor, or emotion to captivate your target audience, we make videos that creatively and engagingly market your brand, products, or services.
  • We create videos in which pleased consumers discuss their positive interactions with your company, its goods, or its services. These videos assist to establish credibility with your audience.
  • Also, we make videos to instruct and train your staff, clients, or partners on a range of subjects, including new products, policies, or procedures.

Web analytics

The process of measuring, analyzing, and reporting website data with the goal of enhancing website performance and streamlining digital marketing efforts is known as web analytics. As a part of our digital marketing services, we provide thorough web analytics services to give businesses an understanding of their website traffic and user behavior. This way they can utilize that information to make smart business decisions.

Our web analytics services include:

  • Web analytics tools are used to track website traffic, user behavior, and website performance metrics including bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate.
  • We look at website data to find locations where users may be leaving the site or abandoning a transaction, and then we make improvements to those areas to increase conversion rates.
  • To find out which versions perform the best in terms of conversion rates and user engagement, we run A/B tests on various website elements.
  • We set up and configure Google Analytics to track website data precisely and effectively, and we deliver frequent reporting and analysis on website performance.
  • We regularly report and examine website data, such as traffic sources, user behavior, conversion rates, and other pertinent metrics.


Writing attractive and persuasive information to market a company, good, or service is known as copywriting. Our digital marketing firm surely provides organizations with expert copywriting services to enable them to produce high-quality content that attracts and converts their target market.

We offer copywriting services for a variety of content formats, such as:

  • Website content: We create interesting and educational content for your homepage, about us, services, and product descriptions.
  • Blog content: We write blog posts that educate and amuse your readers while promoting your company’s name, goods, and services.
  • Social media content: We create engaging and shareable social media posts and captions that also promote your brand and increase traffic to your website.
  • Email marketing content: We produce email marketing campaigns that are tailored to your audience, convincing, and relevant, generating leads and revenue for your company.
  • Advertising copy: We provide persuasive and successful copy for print ads, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other forms of offline and online advertising.

ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Monitoring, influencing, and upholding a brand’s or a person’s online reputation is known as ORM (Online Reputation Management). Maintaining a good online reputation is essential in the current digital age since it may make or ruin a company or a person. At our marketing firm, we provide complete ORM services to assist companies and individuals in safeguarding their online reputations.

Following are our ORM services:

  • We perform a full examination of your online presence, taking into account search engine results, social media platforms, review sites, and other online sources.
  • We keep a close eye on your internet reputation, looking for any unfavorable references, reviews, or comments and swiftly responding to them.
  • We also employ a number of marketing tactics, including as content generation and promotion, review management, social media management, and SEO, to manage your online reputation.
  • To lessen the detrimental effect on your online reputation in the event of a crisis, we design a crisis management plan.
  • We offer regular reporting as well as analysis. This helps to assess the efficacy of our ORM techniques and make necessary adjustments to enhance your online reputation, .

SMO (Social Media Optimization)

SMO (Social Media Optimization) is another crucial element of digital marketing services. It focuses on optimizing your social media accounts and content to raise brand awareness, interact with your audience, and enhance website traffic. At Auxost, we provide thorough SMO services that assist companies in creating and maintaining a strong social media presence across a range of platforms.

Our SMO services include:

  • Setting up and optimizing social media profiles (such as those on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube);
  • Content creation and curation (such as blog articles, photos, and videos)
  • Managing and interacting with communities (e.g., responding to messages and comments, cultivating connections with followers)
  • Paid social media advertising, such as LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads.
  • Social media analytics and reporting

So are you ready to take your business to new heights? If you want to up your digital marketing game, look no further than our team of professionals. Our services for digital marketing are here to surely guide you as you pursue your business objectives in the dynamic world of digital marketing. Contact us right away to get started on a path to innovation, creativity, and unmatched success!